In Memory

This is a tribute to Colette, who during her short time on this earth changed the lives of those around her.  She left us wondering why such things are allowed to happen, why scientists in all their learned wisdom can’t solve these medical mysteries. It was written when those of us who loved her were forced to watch that which we had denied for so long come to pass.

A lovely young woman is leaving us.

She is a fighter, a beautiful, wild spirit, a joy to those fortunate enough to know her.

She has cystic fibrosis, and has known her whole life that she will die young.

The hospital visits, the cleansing of the lungs that gives a briefer respite each time, the endless medications; these have taken their toll.

The determination to live a normal life; the celebration of each day lived…the triumph of college, love, work; these have shaped a life worth living.

She is 22 years old, and she is tired. Tired of being sick. Tired of waiting for a cure that doesn’t come. Tired of the pity. She’s ready to go, but it is just so hard to let her.

She is the strongest person I have ever known, and the world has been blessed for a brief moment by her presence in it.

She is loved, and those who are loved by others never truly die. Live on, sweetheart.

3 thoughts on “In Memory

  1. Joel says:

    Beautiful and also horrible. You made me feel I knew her and wish I could have thanked her personally for her presence in the world. Sometimes the world just sucks.

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